Owning a firearm and knowing how to properly use it are 2 very different things.
Within 3.5hours of this course, you will learn proper stances, pistol grip, faster target acquisition and become proficient at varied distances.
You will also learn about gear, drawing and presenting a firearm.
We also never forget about safety
Improve your calibre of firearm knowledge and ability to shoot more accurately, and … waste less ammo on the range
9am to 2pm
Bring Food and Water
Dress - course appropriate. indoor range
Tools Required:
Firearm and Preferred holster
1 Magazine
100 to 150 Rounds
Ear and Eye Protection
13mm or 19mm sticker labels
Black or red Marker
Shotgun, sling and 15 rds. If you do not havre one, there will be one for rent with ammo. Pls let organizer know ASAP
Semi Auto Rifle, sling, extra mag, 50 rds. If you do not havre one, there will be one for rent with ammo. Pls let organizer know ASAP