You are registering for an intensive Close Quarter Combat course to combat the violence people endure at home, work, street and on duty.
This course is relevant to Civilians, Security, Bodyguards (CPO) and Law Enforcement
Taught by an ex South African police/security professional and martial artist who acquired training locally and internationally and been teaching over 21 Close Quarter Combat for over 25 years. He is part of the original SA Close Quarter Combat team.
Arrive early for registration
Bring: Water and Food
Dress: Comfortably and weather appropriate
Course Content
Part 1
True Situational Awareness
Thinking outside the box
Safety Perception
Mental preparation against attacks
Every day Carry (EDC)
Part 2- Un-Armed
Self Preservation Techniques
Learn the first 3 rules of OPPS
How to incapacitate someone in 1.5seconds
Defense agains the most common Un-Armed attacks
Part 3- Armed
Necrotic knife strikes
Hostage Situation
Fighting and Defending with sharp and blunt edge weapons
Firearm and Knife Disarm
Your primary/long firearm (with 2 empty mags) and your secondary/side firearm (with 1 empty mag).
Preferred holster and sling.
Everyday Carry Gear / Bullet Proof Vest
Leather or tactical gloves
Eye protection
Water and food for yourself.
To dress weather appropriate and comfortable.
How to Immobilize an Attackers Weapon
How to Retain Your Firearm
How to Retrain Assailants without Using Hardware
How to Counter a Weapon Attack